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Below you can find several of the bigger projects on which I had the pleasure to work during the last years. 
To see more projects and publications please visit my News page.

Roofvogels en Uilen van Noordwest-Europa

​​For 32 months the Dutch magazine Roots featured a section on Raptors and Owls. The writings of bird expert and Roots-editor Paul Böhre together with my illustrations and infographics offered the readers an inside into the life and habits of the birds. Over a periode of two years I worked on putting everything together as a book. It counts 256 pages and describes the 21 birds of prey and 10 owl species of Northwest Europe. The book also features new illustrations, additional information and tips for in the field. The book is available in Dutch and in German.

Publishers : Roots | Fontaine Uitgevers
256 pages | flexibind | ISBN 978 90 5956 724 5​​​​​​​

German edition : Kosmos |  EAN: 9783440159323
French edition : Editions Artemis |  EAN: 9782816012446



The WASIT WETLAND CENTRE is a natural reserve in Sharjah (United Arab Emirates). It has a very diverse ecosystem, which comprises coastal sand dunes and salt flats, linking ponds and a large, open lake. The reserve also contains many lagoons. This gives a home to many bird species. Including numerous migrating and rare birds. The centre aims to educate people on this diversity and it offers its facilities to the public and researchers. It contains eight bird hides, each providing detailed information and sign-boards about the birds that frequent the area, while binoculars and golf carts are available to take visitors through the wetlands and to the bird hides.


This is one of the bigger projects I have worked on as an illustrator. I made identification drawings, silhouettes and distribution maps of over 75 bird species. These are used all over the reserve on the information panels, in the bird hides and as decorative elements on the buildings. There are also several vector drawings for child-friendly educational installations. 
The layout and design of the final panels was done by Sophy Cave and Abjad Design.

The centre won the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 2019.


Here’s a selection of the illustrations and some pictures of the final displays.